Laurence Underhill / DNE
Abdel Nasser Salama was appointed editor-in-chief of Al Ahram newspaper, Gamal Abdel Rahim is the new editor-in-chief of Al-Gomhouriya, and Mohamed Hassan Al-Banna will head Al-Akhbar Al-Youm’s daily newspaper. Many of the editors appointed by the Islamist-dominated Shura Council have notable Islamist leanings.
Salama has a reputation for attacking both the Coptic Church and protesters in his past columns, using questionable allegations to support his opinions.
In December 2010, Al Ahram published a piece by Salama in which he claimed Pope Shenouda III gave a speech in 1973 disclosing a plan to equalise the numbers of Christians and Muslims in Egypt by 2000. He also accused the late pope and foreign powers of exaggerating sectarian strife in the country.
Al Ahram later suspended Salama and issued an apology for his statements.
In an editorial dated 7 February 2011, days before the resignation of ousted President Hosni Mubarak, Salama claimed, “we have seen foreigners in the square carrying banners, demanding the fall of the regime, and we have also seen cars with diplomatic plates provide hot meals for protesters, while neighborhood security watches in the streets in more than one incident arrested individuals of different nationalities in cars with arms and money.”
Al-Qenawi, of the weekly Akhbar Al-Youm newspaper, is a notable Islamist journalist and was once editor-in-chief of the Al-Azhar-run newspaper, Sout Al-Azhar.
Shaker Abdel Fattah Moussa worked for the state-run news agency MENA in New Delhi from 2003-2006 and later covered conferences in Europe and Africa.
Al-Akhbar’s Al-Banna had been managing editor and has worked in media, journalism, and Quranic research.
Rose Al-Yousef’s magazine’s new editor-in-chief, Essam Abdel Aziz, has ties to the old regime and has been managing editor for the magazine.
State-run Al-Gomhouriya’s new editor-in-chief, Gamal Abdel Rahim, has a history of speaking out against Egypt’s small Baha’i community. In 2009, he lauded attacks on Baha’i homes in an Upper Egyptian village in Sohag and consistently spoke out against Baha’ism in his columns.
The Shura Council’s power to appoint the editors-in-chief of state newspaper has sparked controversy among Egyptian journalists. On Thursday, columnists in the privately-owned Al-Tahrir, Al-Masry Al-Youm, and Al-Watan newspapers protested by leaving their columns blank.
In Al-Watan, prominent writers including former MP Amr Hamzawy, left blank columns under their headings with a message at the bottom reading, “this space is blank protesting attempts by the [Muslim Brotherhood] to control the state press and general media establishments owned by the Egyptian people, like the previous [NDP] party.”
The complete list of newly appointed editors:
Al Ahram
Al Ahram: Abdel Nasser Salama
Al Ahram Economic: Salem Wahby Hafez
Al Shabab: Hassan Fathy
Nasf Al-Donya: AmalFawzy
Al Ahram Al-Masaee: Mohamed Kharaaga
AlaaEddin: Mohamed Thabet
Al Ahram Al Arabi: Ashraf BadrMahdy
Al Bayt: SalfeyaSaadEddin
Lugha Al-Asr: Adel Al-Laqqani
Al-Democratia: Basheer Abdel Fattah
Al-Taawun: Mohamed Abu Shusha
Al-Zeraeya: Azmy Al-Nasharty
Al-Ahram Sport: Anwar Mohamed
Al-Ahram Weekly: GalalNassar
Al-Ahram Ebdu: HeshamMourad Ismail
Al-Seyasa Al-Dawlia: Awad Khalil
Diwan Al-Ahram: Kawthar Ahmed
MENA: Shaker GamalEddin
Al Akhbar
Al-Akhbar: Mohamed Hassan Al-Banna
Al-Akhbar Al-Youm (Weekly): Suleiman Qanawy
AkherSaa: Ibrahim Abdel Rahman
Akhbar Al-Hawadith: Mamdouh Al-Sagheer
AkhbarSport: Abdallah Mohamed
Akhbar Automotive: Ayman Abdel Aal
Gareedat Al-Lewa: Abd Al-MoatyEmran
Al-Mesaeya: Mahmoud Talaat Al-Khouly
Akhbar Al-Nogoum: EntesarDerdery
Akhbar Al-Adab: MagdyTohamy
Al Gomhouriya
Newspaper:Gamal Abdel Rahim
Egyptian Gazette: MagdyQattan
Al-Noskha Al-Francia: Mohamed Al-Sayyed
Shashty: Hossam Abdel Moneim
Al-Mesaa: Abdel Momen Al-Hebaa
Hereety: Abdel Fattah Morsy
Al-Raa: Mohamed Ali Al-Sharqawy
Aqeedaty: MegahedBassiouny
Dar Al-Helal
Hawwaa: AmalMabrouk
Al-Helal: Mohamed Abdel Wahab Al-Shafei
Tom and Jerry: Ebtesam Mohamed Mahmoud
Rose Al-Youssef
Magazine: Essam Abdel Aziz
Newspaper: GamalTayae
Sabah Al-Kheir: Mohamed AbdallahHeeba
October: Ahmed Shaheen