Mahalla workers delegation walks out on meeting with investment minister

AbdelHalim H. AbdAllah
2 Min Read

Members of the delegation of striking Mahalla workers walked out on Tuesday’s meeting after noticing the presence of Egyptian Trade Union Federation head Abdel Fattah Ibrahim and Mahalla workers union head Mohamed Sannad, according to delegation member Kamal Al-Faioumy.

Al-Faioumy asserted that Ibrahim and Sannad are “part of the problem” and one of the main reasons for the consecutive strikes in Mahalla. Sannad’s supporters have attempted on several occasions to force the striking workers back to work several times, and have allegedly assaulted some of them including Al-Faioumy, who described them as “thugs.”

“Some of our colleagues continued the meeting, and I believe that they are fooled with promises, something Mahalla workers will not settle for anymore,” said Al-Faioumy.

State run Ahram newspaper reported on Tuesday night that Minister of Investment Osama Saleh approved the demands of the spinning and weaving workers delegations, and that work would resume as of Wednesday.

Delegations from seven striking spinning and weaving companies met with Saleh on Tuesday evening. The striking companies included Mahalla, Kafr Al-Dawar, Sbahy Al-Biza, STIA, Shebeen Al-Kom, Al-Mahmoudeya and Nasr.

Principle demands of the spinning and weaving workers include: the resignation of the chairman of the Textile Holding Company, Foad Abdel-Alim; the provision of new investments; the operation of the halted factories with their full capacities; and the election of a new boards of directors for the striking companies.

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