(AFP File Photo)
Political coalitions created for the 2014 presidential elections in May, are currently in the process of regrouping in preparation for the upcoming parliamentary elections.
Tayar Al-Estiqlal (Independent Current) coalition, formed on Sunday, to support the elected president in parliament, announced that it will compete on 420 seats of parliament.
“We are the first coalition to announce its support to the president,” said Ahmed El-Fadally, the coalition’s general coordinator. “The coalition is composed of 40 newly established parties that include a number of Nasserist parties along with all the parties and entities of former members of the military.”
El-Fadally added that the coalition is looking forward to being part of a “civilian parliament” with a vision to changing all “outdated laws” still in effect. The coalition also aims to amend the Camp David accords in a way that would assure security in Sinai.
When asked about the coalition’s stance on the Parliamentary Law’s current form, El-Fadally said the coalition is content with the law despite some “minor” objections.
Meanwhile, the Free Egyptians Party (FEP) announced in a Monday statement that the party is studying running independently without taking part in any political coalitions. FEP’s President Ahmed Saied said the party is willing to take on any “competent figures” amenable to running for parliament on its lists.
Amr Moussa, former chairman of the Egyptian Constitutional panel congratulated in a statement on Sunday El-Sayed El-Badawy, President of Al-Wafd Party, on forming a coalition. The coalition, called The Egyptian Wafd, comprises several liberal parties including the Egyptian Social Democratic Party, and public figures including Amr Al-Shobaky and Hany Sarey Al-Din.
Moussa stressed the importance of political coalitions in the upcoming phase. He himself is calling for a coalition that would support the 2014 Constitution and has been holding meetings with a number of political figures, parties and union representatives.
President of Al-Dostour Party Hala Shukrallah recently announced her party will present a legal memorandum this week to President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi suggesting amendments to the Parliamentary Law. The memorandum will be presented with the support of the parties who endorsed Hamdeen Sabahy for the presidency.
Khaled Dawoud, Al-Dostour Party spokesman, said the parties signing the memorandum will “most probably” be the basis for a political coalition, or at least coordination in the upcoming elections.