Around 27.8% of Egyptian youth are poor while 24.1% are near the poverty line, the latest report issued by the Central Agency of Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) revealed Tuesday.
The figure is a minimal increase compared to last year, where poverty and near-poverty among youth was 51.3%.
The 18 and 29 year-old age group, represents 23.7% (approximately 20 million) of the total population, of which 51.1% are men and the remaining 48.9% are women.
The statistics agency added that unemployment rate among the youth is 29%.
CAPMAS added that the unemployment rates among male college graduates are 36.4% compared to 37.4% during the past year. Unemployment among mid-qualified and illiterate men was 14.7%.
Unemployment among women college graduates was 57.2%, 25.4% for mid-qualified and 13.7% for illiterate.
The report mentioned that 65.7% of young men are married, compared to 85.7% for young women. The report added that 26.3% of male youth were reported to have been divorced, compared to 47.8% of women.
CAPMAS’s report was released on International Youth Day which takes place on 12 August every year. The day, established in 1998 by the UN General Assembly, aims to recognise the vital role of youth in helping promote progress throughout the world.