World leaders condemn triple-bombing

Daily Star Egypt Staff
9 Min Read

VIENNA: World leaders united to roundly condemn Monday s deadly triple bomb attack in Dahab.

The European Union on Tuesday called the bombings “despicable, and leaders across Europe said they were standing with the Egyptian government against terrorist attacks.

In a statement issued by Austria, the current holder of the rotating EU presidency, the 25-nation bloc said it strongly condemns the despicable terrorist attacks in the Egyptian resort town of Dahab which caused death and injuries to numerous people, and offered condolences to families of the victims.

Once again, heinous terrorist forces have brought despair and suffering to innocent civilians, the statement said, adding that the EU would stand united with the government of Egypt to fight terrorism in all its forms.

On behalf of NATO, I strongly condemn the terrorist attacks in Dahab yesterday, he said in a statement after Monday night s attacks, the latest to hit the region, said NATO chief Jaap de Hoop Scheffer. There can be no justification for this pointless violence, and NATO will continue to work with Egypt and the entire international community to combat the scourge of terrorism, he added.

It was with sorrow that I learned of the barbaric explosions of April 24 in the Egyptian town of Dahab, which caused deaths and suffering for numerous people of different nationalities, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a statement released by the Kremlin.

I decisively condemn the terrorist attacks, which have not and cannot be justified. I reaffirm Russia s unchanging solidarity with Egypt in counteracting terrorism and our intention through coordinated efforts to repel this direct threat to the international community.

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier on Tuesday said his country was shocked at the murderous bombings. The dreadful images from Dahab have filled us with shock and great sorrow, Steinmeier said in Berlin. The attacks again remind us in the most awful way that in their blind hatred terrorists will stop at nothing, he added.

U.S. President George W. Bush branded the bombings a heinous act.

Today we saw again that the terrorists are willing to try to define the world the way they want to see it, Bush said. I strongly condemn the killings that took place, the innocent lives lost in Egypt, he said.

I assure the enemy this: we will stay on the offense, we will not waiver, we will not tire, we will bring them to justice for the sake of justice and humanity, Bush said at a fundraiser for a congressional candidate in Las Vegas, Nevada.

His Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Washington has been in contact with the Egyptian government to extend our condolences and to offer whatever assistance they may need.

We will support our Egyptian friends in their commitment to fight terror and to bring to justice those responsible for this crime, Rice said in a statement.

I assure the enemy … we will bring them to justice for the sake of justice and humanity, he said.

At least three foreigners including a Swiss, a Russian and a German baby, were among 24 people killed in the third deadly bombings in resorts in the Sinai Peninsula in just 18 months.

President Hosni Mubarak, whose country has been a target of Islamist militant attacks targeting foreigners since the early 1990s, vowed that the perpetrators of these heinous acts of terrorism will be tracked down and punished.

No one immediately claimed credit for the blasts in a market and busy restaurant area, which came one day after a new audiotape of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, surfaced accusing the crusaders of the West of waging war against Islam.

In July last year, more than 60 people were killed in multiple attacks on Sharm El-Sheikh at the tip of the Sinai and at least 34 lost their lives in bombings in Taba near the border with Israel in October 2004.

British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw described the bombings as appalling, targeting as they did a popular holiday resort on an Egyptian public holiday.

Once again terrorists have demonstrated their callous disregard for human life, he said.

His Canadian counterpart Peter MacKay said in statement, Canada strongly condemns this terrorist act, and we are profoundly troubled by such events.

Although the details are still unfolding, this is clearly an act directed against innocent civilians, he added. The perpetrators must be found and brought to justice.

MacKay said, Canadians are deeply saddened by the loss of life caused the blasts. We offer our heartfelt condolences to Egypt and to all other countries affected by this tragedy. Our thoughts are with the victims and their families.

French President Jacques Chirac expressed his consternation and categorically condemned these odious terrorist acts, according to a statement from his office, which said Paris stood side by side with Egypt in the fight against terror.

Israel s prime minister-designate Ehud Olmert telephoned Mubarak to express his condolences and his office said the two leaders discussed the need for cooperation between the two countries in the fight against international terrorism.

Egypt declined an offer from Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz to send army rescue teams and doctors, as hundreds of Israeli tourists rushed home after the attacks.

A state of alert was declared at the main hospital in the Israeli border town of Eilat to handle any casualties sent for treatment there. Three Israelis were injured, according to army radio.

About 5,000 Israeli holidaymakers were believed to have been in the Sinai at the time of the blasts despite repeated warnings from their government of the risks of attack by Islamic militants.

Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas branded the attacks criminal and cowardly, describing the perpetrators as enemies of humanity, according to a statement from his office.

This cowardly act which targeted innocent people is the expression of blind hatred of groups which hurt our nation and religion.

His words were echoed by the Hamas-led Palestinian government.

Our government strongly condemns this criminal act which flouts our religion, shakes Palestinian national security and works against Arab interests, government spokesman Razi Hamad told AFP.

Both the government and the Palestinian Authority president, despite their differences since Hamas defeated Abbas s Fatah party in January polls, joined forces to send condolences to the Egyptian people and offer their support.

Singapore and Italy also offered condemnation, with a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs saying Singapore strongly condemns the terrorist bomb attacks in Dahab, Egypt, which have killed innocent Egyptians as well as tourists, So far there are no reports of Singaporean casualties, the city-state s foreign ministry said.

Italian Foreign Minister Gianfranco condemned the attacks as barbaric. On behalf of myself and the Italian government, I would like to convey our deepest condolences for yesterday s barbaric attack, in which so many innocent people lost their lives, Fini wrote in a message to his Egyptian counterpart Ahmed Abul-Gheit. Italy condemns the hateful acts of violence that struck Egypt, and we are convinced they will not weaken the determination of countries united by their commitment to confront and wipe out the curse of terrorism, the minister added. Agencies

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