Coptic pope slams maverick cleric

Daily Star Egypt Staff
2 Min Read

CAIRO: The head of Egypt s Coptic Church issued a stern warning Monday to dissident bishop Maximus I and anyone who might be tempted to join the breakaway church he is trying to set up. We do not recognize your prelacy nor your new name, Pope Shenuda III said in a message entitled I am sorry for you, my son and addressed to Maximus, whose real name is Max Michel. We warn you against celebrating any sacrament, we consider the religious enterprise you are undertaking completely void and we warn the people against dealing with you, said the pope, whose message was quoted by the official MENA news agency. Maximus, who was ordained by the Old Calendarists, a traditionalist Greek Orthodox group based in Nebraska, has angered Shenuda by announcing plans to set up a rival church and speaking in favor of facilitating divorce and allowing bishops to marry. Maximus also charged that Shenuda s 35-year-old pontificate had been disastrous and accused the Coptic leader of inciting sectarian violence in Egypt. President Hosni Mubarak has so far said that he does not wish to intervene in the affairs of the church. Copts make up between six and 10 percent of Egypt s 73 million population and are the largest Christian community in the Middle East. AFP

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