Imprisoned politician Nour to have heart stents

Daily Star Egypt Staff
1 Min Read

CAIRO: Imprisoned opposition politician Ayman Nour is scheduled to go into hospital on Saturday to have stents inserted in his arteries, his wife said on Thursday.

It will take them about 48 hours to prepare him for the procedure and they will keep him in hospital for four to five days, Gameela Ismail told Reuters.

Stents are small tubes used to prop open arteries and the procedure of inserting them is normally not dangerous.

Nour, 41, who came a distant second to President Hosni Mubarak in last year s presidential elections, is serving a five-year prison term on charges of filing forged papers to set up his El-Ghad (Tomorrow) Party in 2004. He says the charges were fabricated to drive him out of political life. Reuters

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