More than 90 arrested on suspected Islamist links

Daily Star Egypt Staff
1 Min Read

CAIRO: Security forces have arrested more than 90 Egyptians in the north of the country suspected of links to radical Islamist groups, a lawyer representing them said Thursday. A group of 70 people was arrested in the Mediterranean city of Alexandria, while another group was detained in the Nile Delta town of Damanhour, the lawyer, Mamdouh Ismail, told AFP. They were arrested because they consulted Islamist Web sites linked to militant groups, said Ismail, denying they had any such connections with radical groups. Ismail, who has in the past defended suspected Islamic extremists, said he had been informed that the latest group was being questioned by state security services. The interior ministry refused to comment. The Sinai Peninsula has been targeted in a series of bomb attacks in the past two years. The blasts killed more than 120 people in Dahab in May, Sharm El-Sheikh in July last year and Taba in October 2004. These attacks were blamed on an Islamist group, Al-Tawhid Wal Jihad (Unification and Holy War). At the beginning of September, a security source said police were hunting five terrorists probably related to the Al-Qaeda network who had infiltrated the Sinai. AFP

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