Mahdi Akef accused of incitement to murder

Maram Mazen
2 Min Read

Center for Humanitarian Dialogue files lawsuit against Muslim Brotherhood leader

CAIRO: The Center for Humanitarian Dialogue, an Egyptian human rights group, has filed a lawsuit against the Muslim Brotherhood s Supreme Guide Mahdi Akef for incitement to murder.

In a public conference that was held at the lawyers syndicate, Akef commented on what he called the shameful stance of Arab leaders regarding the recent conflict between Israel and Hezbollah. Akef then said that if they [the Arab leaders] didn t believe that God was one [if they weren t believers], they would ve killed them [the Arab leaders], because, he said, “they were more of a threat to the Arab nation, than the Israelis themselves.

The news of this conference was published in Al-Masry Al-Youm and Nahdet Masr newspapers.

Akef s remarks, the center says, represent incitement to murder, which is punishable by law under article 171 and 172 of the penal code. The punishment for incitement to murder with no consequences ensuing from the incitement is incarceration.

The lawsuit also consists of a slander lawsuit, where the center terms Akef s comment about the Arab leaders shameful stance defamatory. Slander is punishable by incarceration or a fine, or the two punishments combined.

Ehab Khalil the chairman of the center, was summoned by the public prosecutor on Sept. 13 and was questioned concerning the lawsuit.

The public prosecutor is investigating the case. Akef may be summoned for questioning if the public prosecutor decides to continue investigating and takes the case to court.

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