Students lend a helping hand

Daily Star Egypt Staff
3 Min Read

Students hold charity activities during Ramadan

CAIRO: Students at the American University in Cairo are collaborating their efforts to conduct various charity activities during the holy month of Ramadan. Students’ charity clubs such as Volunteers-in-Action, Help Club, Alashanek Ya Baladi and Resala participate in these activities.

AUC students raise funds for the “Tamween Package which is distributed during Ramadan to needy families in remote, developing areas during Ramadan. They have collected approximately LE 100,000 which will fund 2000 Tamween packages.

Volunteers-in-Action club is organizing “Children Day for 450 orphans who will be invited to an iftar with entertainment on Oct. 13. Hand-in-Hand club will also invite elders for its annual Iftar on Oct. 20. In addition, Help Club organizes its annual “Rahman Delivery where they will deliver boxes of food to people of Misr El-Qadima at their houses at the time of iftar.

The service committee of the student union holds its annual Maedat El-Rahman which provides free iftar for around 70 people next to the AUC library building. “It has been a long tradition. People in the area wait for our iftar every year, said Waleed Abdel Rahman, service committee chairperson, besides prov iding the poor with decent meals, the Maeda deepens the student’s involvement with the community that surrounds them.

Another charity project is the Kiswa El-Eid where students collect money to buy new clothes for orphans and poor children to wear during Eid. “Old clothes will also be collected, sorted, fixed and ironed. These clothes will be sold in poor areas at very low prices in order to maintain the dignity of those who need them but cannot afford. Sherif Mahgoub, vice president of Volunteers-in-Action club, said.

Community service and philanthropy are anchored in AUC s mission and are promoted among AUC students through a variety of courses and projects. The areas of service are broad and include protecting the environment, responding to emergency humanitarian needs, addressing poverty in greater Cairo and serving disadvantaged groups such as children with special needs, the elderly and many others.

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