Egypt briefly detains Palestinian legislator found with $2 million in suitcase at Gaza border

Daily News Egypt
2 Min Read

Associated Press

RAFAH: A Palestinian legislator who tried to return from Egypt to Gaza was briefly detained Tuesday when found to be carrying $2 million in a suitcase, Egyptian security officials said.

The incident appeared to be another case of the Hamas-led government trying to circumvent the international sanctions on bank transfers to the Palestinian Authority.

The Egyptian authorities seized the money, questioned the legislator, Mushir al-Masri and released him, the security officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity as they were not authorized to speak to the media.

Al-Masri could not be reached for comment, but a Palestinian diplomat in Rafah, the border town where the crossing is located, confirmed the incident. The diplomat spoke on condition of anonymity.

The diplomat and the security officials said Egypt had contacted the Palestinian Authority about the money.

Al-Masri, who belongs to Hamas, the ruling party in the Palestinian territories, spent Tuesday night on the Egyptian side of the border, apparently hoping that the money would be returned and he would be allowed to take it to Gaza.

The United States, the European Union and Israel imposed financial sanctions on the Hamas government when it took office in March. The measures were a response to Hamas refusal to recognize Israel and renounce violence.

The sanctions have crippled the government, making it largely unable to pay salaries to its 165,000 employees.

A number of Palestinian officials have returned home carrying large amounts of Arab aid in cash. Last month, Palestinian Interior Minister Said Siyam was permitted to cross the Egypt-Gaza border with $2 million.

It was not known where al-Masri got the money seized Tuesday, but he is believed to have been returning from Saudi Arabia.

Palestinian Foreign Minister Mahmoud Zahar said Thursday that Hamas had been receiving money from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other Arab countries.

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