Farouk Hosny feels the heat in Parliament

Sarah El Sirgany
3 Min Read

CAIRO: Farouk Hosny, Minister of Culture, is currently facing mounting pressure from MPs to issue an apology for calling the hijab head scarf repressive or resign.

Hamdy Hassan, a Muslim Brotherhood MP told The Daily Star Egypt: “This is the least thing we can do to him. Instead of promoting our Egyptian culture and its values, the Minster is imposing the western ones on us, Hassan said.

Ahmed Salah, from the media and public relations office in the ministry of culture has indicated that no official statement or position will be taken by the Minster until both the religious and cultural committees of the Egyptian Parliament reach a decision.

The committees have still not met, Hassan said.

On Monday, both houses of Parliament were locked in heated discussion which saw agreement between government MPs and members of the opposition for the first time.

In near consensus, they all called for Hosny to apologize or resign.

Hosny’s remarks garnered swift and often angry reactions from Egyptian and Arab religious scholars, some of whom said Egyptian officials were waging war on Islam.

I do not like the veil, but anyone who wishes to wear it, is free to do so. I just do not like it, just like I do not like to wear a galabeya. What is so wrong in saying that? Hosny reiterated Saturday on 90 Minutes, a talk show on El Mehwar satellite TV.

According to Sheikh Mohmoud Ashour, Former Deputy for Al Azhar and a Member of the Islamic Research Center, “we can take it that the west which is unaware of our Islamic beliefs and thoughts may take a stand against the veil, but for that to come from us is strange and totally unacceptable.

“The veil is a must in Islam, Ashour said, who also added that when an official in the position of a cabinet minister expresses his opinion on Hijab, it is considered the government’s policy and not his personal opinion.

Hosny has not commented since appearing on “90 Minutes .

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