Man follows dream, kills wife

Ahmed Maged
2 Min Read

CAIRO: Mohamed Sayed Awad, 36, a driver, stabbed his wife four times in the neck after he saw in a dream that he was slaughtering her, reported in Al Gomhuriah, describing it as one of the oddest crimes ever witnessed.

Awad knocked went to the Giza police station with blood-stained hands and clothes and, overcome by a bout of panic, admitted to having killed his wife.

When the police went to his flat in Munib, the police found his wife Shaimaa Hassan, 30, (also his cousin) lying in a pool of blood in her bed. The couple had been happily married for the past seven years with son Yousif and daughter Mariam.

Awad revealed that although he had been depressed lately, this had not affected their marriage. But on Friday he woke up at dawn after a dream that he slaughtered his wife. Immediately he went to the kitchen, brought a knife and stabbed her four times in the neck while she was fast asleep.

He then collapsed in tears next to her dead body. He took his kids and left them with his brother, who lived in the same building and gave himself up to the police. Awad still insists that he did not mean to kill his wife, saying that a call had urged him to commit the murder and that he was in a trance.

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