Man beats wife for losing job

Ahmed Maged
2 Min Read

Cairo: A family court in Maadi ruled that a wife could be divorced from her husband in one of the oddest cases judged by such courts. Madiha. M.A., 37, had taken legal proceedings demanding to be divorced after her husband beat causing her to lose her teeth and suffer slight brain damage, according to medical reports. The husband Hassan A.A., 40, who is employed as an accountant at a public transport company, was infuriated after he heard that his wife was fired from the office where she worked as a telephone switch operator earning a salary of LE 160. Although the decision came as part of her workplace’s policy to downsize staff, the husband lost his mind, started blaming her for her laziness that caused her to lose her job and assaulted her with a stick, inflicting serious injuries. The husband had been summoned to the court three times but failed to appear.

The court eventually ruled the wife would be divorced and would keep ownership of the house as well as custody of the children. When the couple married 10 years ago, the wife had to work to increase the family’s income. She was fired after 10 years of service.

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