Court delays trial of Al-Jazeera producer

Daily News Egypt
1 Min Read

CAIRO: The Al-Nozha Misdemeanour Court has postponed the trial hearings of Al-Jazeera producer Howayda Taha, accused by the authorities of “harming national interests until Feb. 21.

She had been working on a documentary about alleged police torture in Egypt when she was detained at Cairo International Airport as she waited to board a plane for Doha, Qatar on Jan. 8 and taken into custody.

Some 50 videotapes reportedly depicting mock footage of torture were found on her person and then confiscated.

Taha was released on bail with the amount of LE 10,000 after two days of investigation.

She was charged with a violation of Article 80/D in the Penal Code which relates to transgressions considered to be threatening the country s national interest.

She was also charged with the possession and transfer of falsified graphics that tarnish Egypt’s reputation and image.

“I feel very strong and I am not afraid from any decision whatsoever. I have other copies of the confiscated videotapes and I am working hard now to finalize the documentary to show it by the end of the month, told Taha The Daily Star Egypt in a phone interview.

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