Controversial book by Banha professor insults Christians

Magdy Samaan
2 Min Read

CAIRO: The Egyptian Union for Human Rights Organizations (EUHRO) filed a complaint to the Dean of Banha University, in northern Cairo, against a book they deemed insulting to Christianity.

The contentious book, authored by Professor Abdul Kader Bahrawi, is titled Studies in Difference.

The book was written in the same vein as another highly controversial book by Islamic thinker Mohamed Emara, titled “The Controversy of Atheism, where the author describes Christians as non-believers and so should be treated financially and socially as such.

EUHRO said in a statement that Bahrawi’s book was disrespectful to Christianity by dubbing it as a corrupt faith, claiming that the Holy Bible is a falsified book and referring to Christians and Jews as infidels.

A delegation of 17 EUHRO members met Professor Hossam Attar, the dean of Banha University, to discuss ways of handling the situation.

Naguib Gobrael, head of the EUHRO told The Daily Star Egypt that Bahrawi apologized for the content of the book during the meeting, saying that he did not mean to cause offense to Christians. He also promised not to have the book reprinted. Gobrael added that the meeting was attended by the deputy heads of the university and the deans of a number of faculties who agreed with EUHRO that “education must emphasize citizenship values, teach acceptance of the other and respect for human rights.

“This book, which instigates hatred for the other, was being taught for five years, said Gobrael. “Imagine how Christian students must have felt since they were obliged to study this curriculum and be examined on it.

“How will Christian and Muslim students deal with each if ideas like this are being hammered into their heads?

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