Cairo Model UN inaugurates its 19th session

Daily News Egypt
2 Min Read

CAIRO: The American University in Cairo (AUC) kicked off its 19th CIMUN (Cairo International Model United Nations) session on Tuesday.

CIMUN started as a simulation of only one council in 1989 but now encompasses seven councils led by a large secretariat team and an organizing committee of over 100 members.

The organization’s graduate advisor, Yasmin El Rifae told a pool of students and dignitaries at AUC’s Ewart Hall that CIMUN creates a forum for its members and council delegates, in which they can deliberate, innovate and initiate. It is not a mere simulation of what is, but promises to discover what may be. The gathering asserts the founding principles of the United Nations, an organization that has long been criticized for its ineffectiveness and paralysis in times of crisis.

“It is often forgotten that the United Nations is an organization that reflects the stances and actions of its member states, which have often deviated from the organization’s raison d être, Rifae said.

Attending the opening ceremony was. Mohammed El Farnawany, Egypt’s Counselor at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and CIMUN’s keynote speaker. As AUC’s first CIMUN Secretary General, “Farnawany made this CIMUN’s opening ceremony special, said German University in Cairo student Micheal El Bardawy.

Through this year’s simulated councils, delegates will explore matters that hold significant weight in today’s world politics.

“It is impossible to move forward without reintroducing and reinforcing the principles and purposes that lie at the core of the organization. CIMUN helps a young population of students do that, said Noha Khalid, head of the organizing committees.

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