American Muslims, human rights groups challenge Egypt's political crackdown

Daily News Egypt
1 Min Read

HEAD: The Muslim American Society (MAS) Freedom Foundation and other human rights groups will host a protest at the Egyptian embassy as part of the Human Rights in Egypt Campaign.

The goal of the protest is to call the American people and public officials attention to Egypt s retreat from a stated commitment for a more open and inclusive government. This retreat from democracy has resulted in a cruel crackdown on moderate Islamic activists, nonreligious political opponents to the Mubarak government, jurists, journalists, and academicians.

Mahdi Bray, Executive Director of the MAS Freedom Foundation stated, The real tragedy of the current events in Egypt is that, of all the countries in the Middle East, Egypt possesses the best potential for an open society and representative government.

“The great expectations that many, both in and outside of Egypt, held for political inclusiveness and expanded liberties have been replaced with a severe political crackdown accompanied by intense human rights abuses. This is compounded by the fact that Egypt is the second largest recipient of American aid.

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