Local choices for healthy eating

Farah El Alfy
6 Min Read

The battle of the bulge is a universal war every person faces. Chemical diets, Atkins or calorie counting are all familiar terms whether you’ve tried it yourself, or seen your coworker or spouse take on the challenge.

But Canadian nutritionist Lynda Aune offers something simpler, “No tricks, just straight healthy eating, she says.

Aune has a center called Choices that advocates just that: weight loss through healthy eating.

“I follow the glycemic index – it was developed 20 years ago by a doctor that wanted to develop a program for diabetics, she explains.

“The idea is to keep your blood sugar low at all times. If you eat low glycemic the food stays with you for a longer period of time so you are not as hungry so often.

A low glycemic diet is a carbohydrate-controlled diet based on choosing low glycemic carbohydrates, which are slowly digested and absorbed, producing a gentle rise in your blood glucose and insulin levels.

Aune asks her clients to visit once a week. Each week a different phase is introduced and she has to make sure they understand correctly. At every visit the client steps on to the scale, and is amazed to have lost one kilo.

This is not a diet that practices self deprivation and starvation. Actually you get to eat six times a day, many varieties of lean proteins, and low glycemic fruits and vegetables and even carbohydrates.

Although some diets have you losing up to three kilos a week, Aune argues that those methods are unhealthy and makes it more likely to gain it back or even gain more.

Once the client has reached their weight goal Aune keeps them for another few weeks to make sure they are eating to maintain the weight.

“This is not a diet this is how you eat for the rest of your life. It doesn’t mean that you can’t eat cake or Mc Donald’s; it means if you are eating in a healthy way and you want occasionally to do this, fine. Your system won’t be upset from that assault, she says.

After finishing the program, you are in control of your body forever. Aune does not merely tell you what to do but she teaches you so you can do it on your own. In the future, clients should be able to lose weight when they want, and maintain it.

Aune gives clients a day to day eating program, and encourages them to exercise three to four times a week. “You can lose weight without (exercise) but it increases your overall well being and success, she says.

Eating correctly doesn’t only make you lose weight, but increases your energy level.When it comes to beverages, Aune discourages drinking sodas or even fruit juices because they turn instantly to sugar in your system.

Diet sodas are also a no-no as the glutamates in it change bodies scientifically.

Of course she encourages drinking plenty of water.

Ideally, caffeine should be excluded from your healthy life, but she says just keep it at two cups a day maximum. Better yet, get used to drinking herbal teas like mint and chamomile, which can even be made into some interesting ice teas.

As for artificial sweeteners, they should be avoided. In Egypt there is a local brand called Sevia that produces a natural sweetener made out of sweet leaf. Better yet, use a spoon of honey.

“It is natural and full of nutrients. It is less fattening than sugar and it takes longer to break down, she says.

Contrary to what many believe, in Egypt there are a lot of healthy choices that are not found around the world.

“Beleelah (whole wheat grain) for example is wonderful. It’s so complex it takes so long for your body to break it down, she says.

Local baladi bread is one of the healthiest types of bread in the world. She warns that one must always take care of the bread they are buying because many companies just dye white bread labeling it as brown bread, when it is not really low grain.

Another commodity taken for granted here are the fruits and vegetables that are grown and picked ripe. “In my country I can buy anything but unfortunately it was picked before it was ripe so it lacks nutrients and flavor, she says.

If you don’t know how to make your own cooking following Aune’s philosophies, don’t fret. She has just published her first cookbook entitled “Healthy Eating Cookbook filled with 130 interesting and tasty recipes all created with ingredients you can find locally.

From snacks, to gourmet meals, this book has all types of delicious guiltless meals. Other than that, she has started a program for children. She goes after school and gives a nutrition lecture followed by activities that reinforce what they have learned.

At the moment, she is getting a booklet published for children’s’ nutrition.

Choices: Weight loss healthy eating center(02) 524 3660, (010) 459 8283Cookbook available in bookstores across Cairo including AUC bookstore, Kotob Khan, Dar El Shorok and the Cairo Marriot Hotel Bookstore.

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