Strumming a different tune

Yasmine Saleh
4 Min Read

Bandelino s band leader talks about his driving passion

For so many young Egyptians, money is the real drive behind their career ambitions. For a rare few, however, are driven towards a profession by talent or uncontrollable passion. Twenty-four-year old Mohamed Abaza is an example of the latter.

After graduating from The American University in Cairo (AUC) two yeas ago with a BA in Accounting – a major he had always wanted, followed by two years working full tiem at leading multinational companies, Abaza decided to throw all of that aside and pursue his passion: the guitar.

My mother has depression because of me, and lots of people criticized what I did and think I am completely insane. But almost all of those who criticized me are in some way impressed with my guts and eagerness to pursue my dream, Abaza said.

Abaza s infatuation with music started at a very young age, as his father used to play guitar, but in his room only , according to Abaza.

Abaza s father is the one who taught him how to play since he was 12 and he kept practicing until he felt he was ready to play for an audience at the age of 19.

Three months ago Abaza has officially established his own band, Bailando, with four other members; Hany El Shafei, a 27-year old AUC graduate with BA in Accounting, who plays electric guitar, Emad Sidhom, 23- year old economics graduate from the AUC, plays bass guitar, Sherif Magdy, 21, studying computer science in AUC, plays percussion and Botros Ragheb, 22, studying mechanical engineering in AUC, plays percussion.

In Bailando, Abaza plays all different types of music, Arabic and English, but adds his own unique flare.

We play everything in a Spanish way, Abaza said.

Abaza is also a member of the AUC music group s band called AUCeyat that plays different types of music and songs in both English and Arabic and is composed of 18 talented AUC students and alumni.

Besides the fact that Bailando has been only been a group act for three months, Abaza they have already performed five concerts; two in Ain El Sokhna, couple of private ones and one for free for a charity organizations dedicated for orphans and children with special needs called We All Love Egypt.

Bailando has had an audition at El Sawy Culture Wheel in Zamalek, where the band was approved and will be scheduled to perform their soon.

Abaza s not shy about garnering publicity for his band. He printed business cards, and is quite generous with them. He handed me about six.

Above all that, one has to admit that Abaza s music is breathtaking, especially when he plays Omar Khayrat s famous music Al Bakhil W Ana or Fayrouz s Sahar El Lalayi, and the western clasic Hotel California by the Eagles.

Abaza asked me to question him about his music icons. I told him that I felt it was too predictable a question, but he insisted. So for the record he adores Omar Khayrat.

If you pictured Abaza as a funky AUCian, whose wealthy parents have spoiled him, you are so wrong because this young man is completely unlike that.

To me, Abaza seems to be a religious, very strict middle Easter male, always nervous and very ambitious and fits the telltale characteristics of an Aquarius, which is, by the way, his zodiac sign.

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