Unexpectedly, no big reactions followed Al Ayyat incident

Yasmine Saleh
2 Min Read

CAIRO: Contrary to expectation, no big reaction followed the recent sectarian clashes that took place last Friday in Al Ayyat when three homes were set on fire, 11 Christians injured and 35 Muslims arrested

Pope Shonouda the third denied intending to hold a press conference to comment on the recent sectarian clashes, according to Al-Masry Al-Youm newspaper.

The Ministry of Interior posted only one press release on the incident on its official web site indicating that it has so far managed to identify all suspects and is proceeding with investigations.

Haidar El Boghdady, a parliament member belonging to the National Democratic Party told The Daily Star Egypt that the incident will not be discussed at the People s Assembly.

Recently, it seems that religion is the one subject that provokes a strong reaction among Egyptians. Religion is an issue unlike any other and it is indelibly intertwined in the country s political and social life.

Magdy Mahana, well-known journalist and columnist, has stated in a speech he gave at the opening of the 18th Cairo International Model Arab League (MAL) that took place at the American University in Cairo (AUC) last Saturday, that Egyptians revolt in two cases only, when they have absolutely nothing to eat or when anything threatens their religious values.

Mahana denounced the passive reaction of Egyptians towards the lack of democracy and human rights in Egypt, and said, I do not know what more the people are waiting for to make a move

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