PA denies requesting Habib El-Adly in Hamoud's case

Yasmine Saleh
3 Min Read

CAIRO: The People s Assembly (PA) denied any intention to request the presence of Habib El-Adly, minister of interior, to question him over the assaulting of Yasser Hamoud, the PA member affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Hamoud was forced to pull his car over Saturday for no reason and was assaulted by several police officers. Members of Hamoud s supporters in Menufiya witnessed the assault.

Saad El Katatny, head of the parliamentary bloc of the Brotherhoods, told The Daily Star Egypt that he does not think the PA will take the decision of calling El-Adly to question him in the case, . Although Fathi Sorour, PA chairman, has personally promised me of doing so, El Katatny added.

El Katatny indicated that Sorour went back on his decision and felt it satisfactory to only send a letter to the Minster of Interior requesting further explanation on the matter.

El Katatny said that a group of PA members affiliated with the brotherhood group are holding meetings with Sorour to reach a settlement on Hamoud s accident.

In a previous interview with The Daily Star Egypt, Hassan Hamdy an MB-affiliated MP, said that one of the ways used to terrorize supporters is by arresting their candidates. They arrest our candidates, detain them for several hours and then release them, he said, it s not an electoral process, it s military maneuvers.

This is not the first time for a PA member affiliated with the brotherhoods has faced assaults that disregard the immunity system that is granted to them as long as they remain in parliament.

Last April, Sabry Amer and Ragab Abu Zeid, two PA members affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood were taken into custody in Menufiya, during a meeting they were holding with some members of the Brotherhood. This happened despite the fact that according to the constitution, PA members cannot be detained or investigated without removing their immunity, unless they are caught committing a crime. The meeting was allegedly held to discuss the upcoming Shoura Council elections.

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