No time like now for the tech-savvy

Daily News Egypt
6 Min Read

In the labor market of today, the traditional vacation seems like an abstract concept to many workers. According to a recent poll conducted jointly by Associated Press and market research firm Ipsos, 20 percent of those surveyed admitted to taking their laptops away with them.

The poll found that a fifth claimed to work while on their break, with some 20 percent saying that they read incoming emails. Half of those surveyed checked other personal messages such as voicemail.

Unsurprisingly, it is the younger generation who lead the way, with one in four of those under 40 taking their laptop on vacation. The 50-64 age group recorded a much lower figure, coming in at 15 percent. The corresponding number for people 65 and older was even less.

Among the reasons cited by workers were the expectation to be available and the worry of missing important information.

Another potential explanation of this behavior is the plethora of gadgets that offer easy, convenient ways of staying in touch. With the advent of the mobile phone – 80 percent of vacationers packing it in their suitcase – alongside the laptop, personal digital assistant and BlackBerry, you are literally spoilt for choice. There is seemingly no longer an excuse to shut yourself off completely from the office.

Even the not-so-proficient users of technology can get up to speed in a matter of clicks.

What of local trends though?

Is this phenomenon limited to the Western world or has it permeated Egyptian society and the wider Middle East?

Rasha Mabrouk, marketing communications manager at luxury travel company Abercrombie & Kent, claims to be a “recovering BlackBerry addict.

“They don’t call it the ‘crackberry’ for nothing, she said.

For over a year now, Mabrouk has been an avid user of the device, hailing it as a “life saver. Even on vacation, the BlackBerry is never far away. She checks her emails every couple of hours. The advent of this handy pocket-sized device negates the need for a laptop and allows her to send short, instant messages to colleagues.

Although Mabrouk, like most people nowadays, carries her mobile phone with her when on vacation, it doesn’t seem to be as addictive.

“You always intend to access your emails once or twice a day. But you need to have a lot of control to limit yourself to that, Mabrouk added.

Laptops are useful for preparing longer documents. The larger size of the screen coupled with the functionality of the keyboard come into their own for reports on Word or Excel or for visuals and presentations.

“I think there is a ‘misunderstanding’ in that vacations are seen as just being a physical separation rather than a mental disconnection from the workplace, says Eynas Barakat, vice president of client servicing for advertising company Advantage.

Whether the travel is work-related or not determines if Barakat carries her laptop with her. She enjoys not having to lug it around when she is officially off work.

However there are certain instances when it is vital for her to stay connected, be it with clients or with colleagues. Often, travelling for work means focusing on one particular project or assignment, so a laptop offers an easy way to stay in the loop.

“When I know that there is no easy access to a computer, I will carry my laptop. That way, even though I may have an odd schedule, I can connect with people in other countries either early in the morning or late at night without disrupting my day, Barakat explains.

Despite having a policy of not calling colleagues when they are on vacation, Barakat believes that the “biggest disaster is the mobile phone.

“They give you no privacy at all. People calling always assume that you can talk. The mobile was intended to be a ‘convenience,’ but people have abused them and it has now become more of an ‘inconvenience,’ Barakat states.

With the multitude of devices available to the modern worker, it may only be a matter of time before the actual physical displacement from home to office is surplus to requirements. A BlackBerry-clad commuter on the way to a business meeting abroad with a laptop in one hand and a mobile phone in the other may not be such a rare sight in tomorrow’s world.

Just remember to flick the off switch when you leave for your well-earned vacation.

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