Abbas loyalists flee to Egypt

Abdel-Rahman Hussein
3 Min Read

Egypt withdraws Gaza mission after Hamas rout

CAIRO: Ninety-nine Fatah loyalists crossed the border into Egypt Friday after the latest Palestinian infighting saw Hamas take over the majority of the Gaza Strip.

Last Wednesday, 40 Abbas loyalists fled across the border into Egypt as fighting intensified between the Fatah and Hamas factions. Those 40 however agreed to return and were sent back later that day.

The latest exodus comprised policemen who guarded the Rafah border crossing with Egypt, according to an Egyptian security source. They are currently in the custody of Egyptian security forces. Hamas are now present at the Rafah border crossing.

Hamas is seeking to control the crossing, but for now it is closed.

Also on Friday, Egypt withdrew its mission in Gaza in protest of Hamas actions against Fatah. Head of the mission Major-General Burhan Hammad left Gaza with his entire staff as soon as Hamas declared it had seized Gaza.

An official wishing to remain anonymous told Reuters that “of course it was a protest measure, in reference to the Egyptian mission’s withdrawal.

Diaa Rashwan from Al Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies disagrees with the notion that the Egyptian withdrawal is a protest. He told The Daily Star Egypt, “This withdrawal is to reassess the situation. The circumstances in Gaza have changed so the mission cannot continue to work on its old modus operandi.

Rashwan conjectured that Egypt would be waiting for the Arab Foreign Ministers meeting on Friday to modify its potential future role, possibly within the scope of a wider Arab mission, with the possible involvement of Syria.

Hamas has close ties to Syria, and its leader, Khaled Meshaal, resides in Damascus.

Beleaguered Palestinian President Abbas dissolved the National Unity Government after Gaza fell to Hamas. However, Hamas have offered amnesty to Fatah officials since taking over the Gaza Strip.

Hamas spokesman Abu Obeideh said, “Our battle is not with Fatah … but with the group that tried to implement an external agenda.

Rashwan does not believe that Egypt will stop its mediating role in Palestinian politics.

“Egypt will not stop mediating in Gaza because it is not just about whether you love or hate the Palestinian cause, this is a national security issue for Egypt. There has been a mini-war and the current situation is frankly worrying, he said.

Rashwan added, “Egypt has always tried to maintain a balance in its mediating between Fatah and Hamas. Although it might be somewhat predisposed towards Fatah, this is not apparent in its arbitration and Hamas appreciates this.

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