COFFEE TALK: Anything but love

Jumana Shehata
6 Min Read

There are moments in life when all the noise stops, the pollution evaporates, the heat descends and Cairo becomes the most romantic place on earth. The sunset breeze hugs your face, the Nile glitters like a shiny crown and birds dance like perfect ballerinas to the sound of their own chirps.

At one such moment, I decided to have my coffee outdoors in a quiet spot along the Nile. With a perfect cup of coffee in hand and my gear out, my thirst for romance grew as I waited impatiently for a scene like one out of “Sweet November.

But I was quickly disappointed when a mother and her two children sat noisily on the table next to me, disturbing the dreamy ambience.

“Kids, can you please sit down and stay quiet so you can get your favorite cookies? called out Mum as she made her way to the coffee counter.

“Maya, look what I found, Rami said as he picked up a dirty twisted straw from the floor.

Pulling it from his fingers, Maya wailed, “I want that.. Mummy, Mummy.

Dropping her sunglasses and bending down to pick them up, Mum looked at her kids in anger and screamed, “That is full of germs and you will get sick and will sit next to daddy at home, do you want that?

“No Mummy we don’t, they said in unison as Rami handed over the dirty straw.

Disappointed, I looked around in vain hoping to catch any interesting conversation. I was drawn back to the kids now fighting over a toy shark.

Two young girls walked in and that put a hopeful smile on my face.

“Mona, how long will you stay away from your home? asked Sarah as she looked at her friend for answers.

“Eh ya Sarah, you don’t want me to stay with your family anymore?

Hitting her lightly on the hand, Sarah said, “Of course, ya benti eh el habal dah, but you know your mum is worried and it’s not right.

“Right, eh? You saw she is crazy and screams all the time till the neighbours come. She doesn’t give me money, asking me to borrow money from my friends even for a taxi ride. And she just hates me, yelled Mona in agony.

“I can’t believe you are asking me to go back there, it’s a complete mess. And Marwa, did you forgot how she locks her cupboards and listens in on all my calls?

Patting her friend, Sarah asked, “But what are you going to do? You have to go back there eventually you know.

“Get me a latte please.

Looking out onto the Nile and the dreamy view, I search the café again for love to fill my soul and still find nothing.

Two young ladies and an older man caught my attention as they walked in and sat down.

“Samy, get me my regular, and for Madame Heba and Mr. Amin orange mint lattes, Madame Walaa called out to the waiter as she lit her cigarette.

Mme Walaa sat across the table from Mr. Amin while Heba sat in between, and you will soon understand the significance of this seating arrangement.

Mr. Amin attentively held Mme Heba’s hand, “Baby you see how beautiful it is here and you did not even want to come. Mme Walaa is so kind to have brought us here.

Smiling superficially, Mme Heba squeaked, “Merci.

“Mr. Amin when was it that we were going to meet the contractor in Paris again? You wanted to leave earlier than planned? asked Mme Walaa with a grin.

Heba glared at her husband and asked, “Paris? When ya habibi? Amin we are taking the kids to mama in Morrocco, you promised.

Smiling and putting his hand around her he said, “Darling of course, but you know Paris is not important but it’s work and I know you understand, I promise you after it we can stay with mama for a month OK?

She kissed him on the cheek.

You see this particular conversation was entertaining to say the least as there were two parallel conversations going on at the same time.

Although above the table his arm was around his wife, there was a bit of footsy going on across underneath with Mme Walaa. Twists and turns, roundabouts and tunnels. It was done with such professionalism that if they were drivers, they’d by fit to join the rally.

A phone call alarmed Mr. Amin and just like that, he kindly excused himself and his wife, left Mme Walaa with a wink, and everyone seemed happy.

“More coffee, maám? Samy asked me, cutting my focussed stare.

“Just the bill, thanks, I said, horrified at my latest coffee talk encounter.

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