Fayoum hemodialysis water clean again, says ministry spokesman

Yasmine Saleh
1 Min Read

CAIRO: Water used in hemodialysis at a Fayoum public hospital reportedly falls below the technical specifications set by the Ministry of Health, claimed Al-Masry Al-Youm daily newspaper on Sunday.

Samples taken last March and April were found inadequate according to health ministry standards..

The laboratory reports identified the presence of certain types of bacteria that constitute definite danger to the patients who use it, according to Al-Masry Al-Youm.

But Dr Abd El-Rahman Shahin, official spokesperson for the Ministry of Health told The Daily Star Egypt that the Health and Population Council in Fayoum has indeed taken a sample of the water used in hemodialysis from the station producing it in Fayoum on April 16, which they deemed sub-par.

Shahin said that there has been a defect at the station. However by May the defect had been repaired.

A sample of the water was checked on May 16 and proved to be conforming to the technical specification, said Shahin.

He confirmed that no cases of death or any complications that could be due to the water s incompatibility were reported to the ministry.

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