Admin Court delays government appeal against Nour's release for one day

Daily News Egypt
3 Min Read

CAIRO: The administrative court postponed for one day the hearing of the appeal presented by the Egyptian government against a case filed by the supporters of former head of the opposition Al Ghad party Ayman Nour, demanding Nour’s release citing his critical health conditions. The final hearing on this case is scheduled for July 3, a day after the appeal hearing.

Gamila Ismail, Nour’s wife, attended the administrative court session at the State Council. She told The Daily Star Egypt in a telephone interview that Nour’s supporters have filed a case against the public prosecutor and the Minister of Interior calling for her husband’s release, but that the government appealed this case.

Amir Salem, Nour’s lawyer, told The Daily Star Egypt that Nour’s defense team requested from the administrative court a delay in the hearing of the government’s appeal for a period long enough for examination and study.

But postponing the hearing for one day will negatively affect the decision on Nour’s release on Tuesday, said Salem.

“I believe that delaying the hearing for only one day is an obstruction of justice. They intentionally postponed the hearing one day before making the final decision on his release because they don’t want to release him. The appeal itself is useless. How can the government appeal a case when no final decision has been made? said Salem.

But Ismail seemed more hopeful.

“I still have hope in the hearings of Monday and Tuesday, although the signs seem totally against Nour’s release, commented Ismail.

“I can imagine there will be a fierce judicial battle in front of the higher administrative court on Monday, followed by an even fiercer one on Tuesday, said Salem.

Nagui El Ghatrifi, former head of El-Ghad Party, told The Daily Star Egypt that the reason why Nour behind bars is because he’s a charismatic political leader.

“Nour is being targeted by the government because he is effective and that is why he has been accused of forging documents to establish El-Ghad Party. Although I do not have any expectations regarding the court session on Tuesday, I am sure the decision will greatly affect his life and his family, said El Ghatrifi.

He added that his release would help in the enhancement of political participation in Egypt, but this is rejected by the regime, which is greatly influenced by foreign forces, especially the United States.

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