Criminals exchanging accusations in Bahareya murder

Ahmed Maged
3 Min Read

BAHAREYA: Investigations are clearing the mystery surrounding the second murder to be committed in Bahareya Oasis in 25 years, Al Gomhuria daily reported.

Early last week, the press reported that a woman was murdered during the Friday prayers and that her husband and his mistress were arrested in connection with the crime.

Investigations revealed that Mamdouh Kilani Mousa, 33, allegedly conspired with his mistress Aisha Kilani Shereii, 20, to kill his wife Husniya Younis, 30.

Mousa allegedly asked Shereii to kill his wife during the Friday prayers, but denied any involvement in the crime after being taken into police custody.

Mousa confessed that he was not happy living with his wife who had borne him one child. He proposed to Shereii’s family, but they turned him down because he was married.

When his wife Husniya found out about their affair, which was the talk of their village Geez as well as the neighboring village, she asked him for a divorce. Mousa refused because he did not wish his child to have to deal with living between separated parents.

He continued his affair with Aisha.

Following Friday prayers that day, his shocked neighbors told him his house was burned down and that his wife was stabbed several times by a masked man.

After the fire was under control, Aisha was arrested and Mousa accused her of having committed the murder single-handedly.

But Mousa, who admitted wishing to get rid of his wife, denied ever wanting to use such violent means to achieve his aim.

For her part, Aisha accused her lover of having come to her on the day of the murder carrying a knife, a white coat and a mask, telling her he would commit the murder.

Both lovers are exchanging accusations. Investigators are still trying to determine whether one of them killed Husniya single-handedly or if both had worked together to murder her.

This is the second crime to be investigated in Bahareya Oasis in 25 years. The first took place in 2004 when a man killed his father by hitting him on the head with a sharp tool.

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