Peaceful July 23 strike lacks mass appeal, says activist

Daily News Egypt
3 Min Read

CAIRO: Marking July 23 Revolution Day yesterday, political opposition groups initiated a new form of protest by staying home and hanging the Egyptian flag from their balconies, but some activists question its popular appeal.

Abdel Wahab El Messiri, head of the Egyptian National Movement for Change, Kefaya, told The Daily Star Egypt that although the call for a civil strike was initiated by the unofficial political party Al-Karama, the Kefaya movement supports this new, peaceful form of protest, despite reservations.

“I am not optimistic about this strike, he said. “I think the matter requires much more effort and persistence. Until now I cannot see people effectively interacting or responding to it.lets wait and see what happens, said El Messiri.

He added that the civil strike is a peaceful way for Egyptians to show they object to the current situation, without being subjected to any form of violence or interference from authorities.

Hamdeen El Sabbahy, head of Al-Karama, told The Daily Star Egypt that the party has been calling for this strike for six months and has published articles announcing the initiative in their newspaper.

“I strongly trust the Egyptian people. They won’t stay paralyzed .We thought of peaceful civil strikes because we cannot peacefully have a dialogue with a government that does not allow transparent elections, he said.

He stressed that this strike is open to all political parties, opposition movements and Egyptian youth. Hanging an Egyptian flag outside your home is the easiest, simplest form of protest, he said.

Mohamed El Ashqar, a coordinator in Kefaya, told The Daily Star Egypt that this is the fist step towards a larger form of civil protest.

This is not a powerful way of protesting, he added, but people’s capabilities are limited. Their reaction towards this form of protest might not be strong or noticeable, and this is related to economic conditions. “We know [this protest] might not lead to a dramatic change, but at least people are now aware of this new way, which will gradually . lead to a bigger change, said Al Ashqar.

Al Ashqar said people hung the Egyptian flag from their balconies in various districts in Giza – Shubra El Kheima, Bulak Al Dakror, El Darb El Ahmar – and in other governorates including Tanta, Kafr El Sheikh, Beni Sueif and Balteem.

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