Dolphins, drums and the latest in health and beauty

Yasmine Saleh
5 Min Read

Whether you want to relax, look better, or lose weight, nature has the remedy to cure all ailments.

The latest in relaxation techniques comes in the form of drums and dolphins.

Research shows that the rhythmic sound of drumming has great health benefits. Sounds from the drums supposedly helps energize the nervous system, regulate heart rate, synchronize brain hemispheres, increase concentration and induce creative problem solving as well as expand consciousness, peace, and tolerance.

This technique is offered through the Drum Inspire organization in Cyprus, which provides training, therapy and education as well as arranging special events and trips.

The one-day Health and Spa Tourism International conference held in the Cairo Marriot on Sept. 1 featured sessions on new and creative ways to enhance physical and psychological health.

One session introduced dolphin therapy, an idea that emerged in Florida when a doctor who worked with physically handicapped children found that they were better able to move their disabled body parts near dolphins.

Island Dolphin Care (IDC), a Florida-based NGO, was established to help children and their families deal with different “developmental, physical and emotional disabilities, according to their website. Their goal is to provide “a therapeutic, recreational environment that focuses on the emotional and physical well-being of the participant and their family members.

Trained instructors at the NGO offer various programs to help participants communicate with dolphins, thereby realizing their full potential and enhancing their physical and psychological health.

Yioula Papakyriacous, managing director of YS&YP Consultants Company in Cyprus, the company that organized the conference, told Daily News Egypt that a similar program can be introduced in Egypt.

On a trip to Sharm El-Sheikh, she visited a place where children and their parents can play with dolphins for fun. This, she said, could easily be turned into a dolphin therapy recreational center by hiring trained instructors to provide the special treatments.

Implementing a project like this could bring in a lot of income and help boost medical tourism in Egypt, Papakyriacous adds.

Participants at the conference included Egyptian and foreign skin care experts as well as physicians and plastic surgeons. Some of the sessions introduced alternatives to plastic surgery while others highlighted the latest developments in the field.

“American society’s curve for using cosmetic surgery is rapidly increasing, said Dr. Metaxotos, plastic surgeon.

Facelifts are in the highest in demand, he said, describing them as “excellent facial operations able to “improve the figure of the face, while keeping it natural. According to Dr Metaxotos, because there is such great demand for plastic surgery, the field has quickly developed and operations are now safer, faster, and less intrusive.

“Nobody should try to change the lines that appear on their faces when they show expressions. It is only when those lines appear constantly without the expressions that surgery may be needed, he explained. Moreover, he said that dieting and exercise as well as some laser treatments could achieve similar results to plastic surgery.

On the topic of beauty, speakers at the conference announced a new line of natural cosmetics called Neoderma which will soon be introduced to Egypt’s market. The brand offers facial creams, make-up removers, cleansers, toners, and a full line of cosmetics.

Neoderma’s products are all natural, made from five herbal cocktails, with each cocktail containing three active herbs that work together to rejuvenate the skin. The line also features natural anti-wrinkle treatments.

The new line of products is touted as an alternative to botox injections or other intrusive anti-aging treatments, said Gregoris Starvou, a cosmetologist at Neoderma Cosmetics Company.

Neoderma offers new products with Rytidox, which reduces lines and wrinkles, as well as Peptide, a substance that relaxes the facial muscles and minimizes the look of lines that result from muscle contractions.

For lifting and firming the face, Neoderma offers its new ‘Bio-Lifting’ mask, which increases the oxygen levels in the skin, also minimizing fine lines.

The last two sessions of the conference were presented by Egyptian companies: One listed the best spas in Egypt, another spoke of the different medical services offered by hospitals on the Red Sea.

“Egypt has a lot of potential but it needs more branding and marketing, said Papakyriacous addressing representatives from the Ministry of Tourism.

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