Letter to the Editor

Daily News Egypt
1 Min Read

Dear Sir,

With reference to the article Russia Launches worldwide Arabic TV channel by Alexandra Sandels in the Sept. 8-9, 2007 issue of Daily News Egypt, the information regarding the head of Rusiya Al Yaum in Egypt is incorrect. Ashraf El Sabagh, the person named in the article, is a Moscow-based correspondent for Rusiya Al Yaum and was simply accompanying the delegation from the channel on its promotional visit to Cairo.

In fact, I am the Cairo Bureau Chief and Correspondent for Rusiya Al Yaum, and have been since the launch of the channel in May 2007. I also hold the same positions for the English language channel Russia Today, which is operated by the same company, and have been doing so since November 2005. Kindly make note of this information.

Yours sincerelyKarim Gohary Cairo Bureau Chief Rusiya Al Yaum & Russia Today

DAILY NEWS EGYPT regrets the error

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