Moussa casts doubt on US peace summit

Abdel-Rahman Hussein
3 Min Read

CAIRO: Arab League Secretary Amr Moussa has cast fresh doubts on the proposed US-sponsored Middle East peace conference weeks after stating his assurance over the seriousness of American intent.

Speaking after a luncheon with EU Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy Benita Ferrero-Waldner in Cairo Wednesday Moussa said: “This conference has a question mark over it, and still does.

“They said it would be in November and here we are, Moussa added, “[also] the Israeli position and comments have been negative and so are their practices. Is this a precursor to a useful Israeli position?

“If there is a change in the Israeli position, then maybe we will see a productive conference. Currently they and the Palestinians are still negotiating, he said.

However, Moussa was still not willing to shut the door on the conference completely.

“The Arabs are waiting to participate in the peace conference, so long as it is productive. They [the principals] are negotiating and we are waiting. We don’t want to close the door, he said.

The Arab League chief’s words set a different tone to his comments made last month after meeting with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in Cairo.

At the time he stated “the secretary of state has indicated her seriousness to me and Foreign Minister Aboul Gheit . there is no vision either from me or the secretary of state that this will be a conference merely for show.

While Moussa’s comments on the conference appeared skeptical, Ferrero-Waldner committed EU backing for it.

“It is highly important to see the successful outcome of the Annapolis conference. We hope it will go ahead, she said, “[it is the] start of the political process that will lead to a two-state solution.

The European Commissioner also highlighted the plight of Gaza residents and criticized Israel for its lack of distinction between Hamas and the rest of the population.

“We know the situation is dire in Gaza. Collective punishment is not a means of politics. We have told Israel not to cut off energy [to Gaza].

After meeting with Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad in Ramallah on Monday, the European Commissioner said, “Annapolis has to be a success. We cannot have a failure there.

Ferrero-Waldner had preceded her Cairo visit, where she is co-hosting the EU-Middle East-Africa Energy Ministerial Conference with Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit, with two days in Palestine, Israel and Jordan.

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