WITH A A GRAIN OF SALT: I'll never visit Japan again!
Every time I visit Japan, I make an oath never to go…
Axis of Evil laugh factory tours Middle East
Three Arab-American stand-up comedians are bringing the jokes back home. The Axis…
TMG share sale news
CAIRO: Egyptian construction and real estate firm Talaat Mostafa Group (TMG) announced…
I-flex to participate in Made in India show
CAIRO: I-flex solutions, a provider of information technology solutions to the global…
More choice at Eklego's Design
The Greek word Eklego - from which "eclectic is derived - means…
Sit back and relax, new Beemers will do the driving for you
You're driving along a two-way highway at high speed, when the car…
iPhone available only to the in-crowd
News of the launch of the Apple iPhone spread fast and Egyptians…
Joe Stork on Egypt's "backward motion" and reasons for hope on human rights
CAIRO: Joe Stork is the Deputy Director of the Middle East and…