MB member says office manager threatened with arrest

Yasmine Saleh
2 Min Read

CAIRO: Member of Parliament Aly Laban, who is affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, says a police officer threatened to arrest his office manager if Laban runs in the upcoming local council elections.

Laban filed a complaint with the People’s Assembly Chairman Fathi Sorour against Ayman Shahin, a police officer in Gharbeya, accusing him of threatening to arrest his office manager Hamdy Radwan.

Laban sent Daily News Egypt a copy of the complaint he filed with the PA and a press release, which states that Radwan was previously arrested ahead of last summer’s Shoura Council elections and remained in custody until the elections ended.

Laban added that since last January, his son and two of his employees have also been arrested, which he says disturbs his parliamentary work.

In his complaint, Laban said he “wonders if those arrests are haphazard or if they are done on purpose to hinder the parliamentary work I am assigned by law – especially my role to fight corruption and monitor the government.

Laban’s complaint coincides with the MB’s final preparations for the upcoming local council elections.

Last week, the Brotherhood announced their plans to field candidates in the upcoming local council elections, despite the spate of arrests of its members.

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