Protesting MB women demand their political rights

Magdy Samaan
1 Min Read

CAIRO: A group of female members of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) demonstrated yesterday in front of the National Council for Women to protest government restrictions on registration for local council elections.

Six of the protestors had failed to submit their papers in Alexandria, while the others were the wives and daughters of MB members who were recently arrested during a three-week security sweep.

“Today is the day of the Egyptian woman. We want tell the National Council for Women that we are tried to participate in public life but we were forbidden, said Kawther Abdel Fatah, who was barred from registration.

Abdel Fatah said that the protestors will submit a complaint to First Lady Suzan Mubarak, chairwoman of the Council, demanding protection for their rights as citizens.

“No to jailing honorable people and “For Gaza they detained my father .. for local council elections they detained my father , read some of the banners.

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