Time for a siesta

Daily News Egypt
3 Min Read

Summer’s almost here, bringing with it that scorching midday sun. It’s becoming almost painful to do anything or go anywhere in the heat, but still we are tied to our 9 to 5 schedules, it’s almost impossible to move around the city – or should I say pressure cooker?Taxis are a practical mode of transportation; you don’t have to deal with traffic jams and parking as well as the heat. However, sometimes they are equipped with neither air conditioning nor a knob to roll down the windows. Certainly, the most comfortable time of day is after sunset, and sleeping the daytime away seems like the most logical thing to do. This is not, of course, a novel idea. In many countries,it s common to take a midday nap or siesta . The expression comes from the Latin hora sexta, or sixth hour, meaning midday. Although the tradition is practiced today in the Iberian peninsula, Islamic scholars – citing the hadith – claim that companions of Prophet Mohamed recommended a rest period after the afternoon meal. The logic behind it is about more than just conserving energy when the sun is strongest. The combined effects of being full and hot make us feel lethargic and more prone to temptation. Resting quietly – alone – is one way to avoid making possibly rash decisions when our faculties are not functioning efficiently.The Bible also makes references to sleep patterns. Abraham, David and Ishbosheth napped in the afternoon. “And they reached the home of Ishbosheth at the heat of the day, when he was taking his midday rest (II Samuel 4:5).Modern science has supported the validity of these ideas, more specifically in proving that those who take a siesta are less prone to heart disease. Some businesses have jumped on the siesta wagon following this research, and have seen an increase in production rates after allocating a time and place for employees to take a power nap after lunch. Our biological clock, or circadian rhythm, is on a 24-hour schedule, as is true for all living organisms. The wondrous patterns of nature see a drop in body temperature each night for perfect sleeping conditions. Our body temperatures also happen to dip around early afternoon – a convenient fact for those attempting to convince their boss to instate nap time at the office.Given all the facts, it seems that siestas make sense. Sweet dreams.

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