Choosing the ultimate vacation: Your honeymoon

Daily News Egypt
5 Min Read

Little girls dream of the picture-perfect wedding from the day they realize that once all grown up, they too will be brides and will take that walk down the aisle dressed in a beautiful white gown, made up to look like nothing less than a princess.

Surely the most exciting and glamorous aspect of the wedding for both bride and groom is the honeymoon.

Of course, the lifelong promise that one makes to another is hugely romantic, but let’s face it: going away for a few weeks is the decisive cherry on top of getting married to the love of your life.

So after the bride and groom and their respective families plan the big day – which is no small task to be sure – there is still one last thing to worry about. Honeymoons, though centrally about whisking away to a place that caters to your every whim and fancy with your partner, can be just as stressful to plan.

A few points to consider, however, might make the task of planning your trip a little bit easier.

When it comes down to it, a honeymoon should be something that both the bride and groom will equally enjoy. For some, that means jet-setting on a plane to the classically romantic cities of Rome and Paris, or indulging in comfort and soaking up some rays at white, sandy beaches in places like Fiji or Tahiti.

For others still, adventure packed trips are the best way to celebrate those nuptials, like going on a safari somewhere in Africa or skiing in some of the world’s best destinations such as Canada or the Alps.

The couple should also agree on how far they are willing to travel, if they prefer local destinations or flying off to a land far away. Do you want to be in the thick of things, or do you want to ‘run-away’ to a secluded place, absent of noise, traffic, pollution and the like?

Be sure to ask for the ‘Honeymoon Suite,’ although this option no longer exists in some hotels and resorts. It will come with all kinds of additional perks with which normal rooms are not equipped.

Finally, how many places do you want to visit? Figuring out the answers to these basic but essentials questions will help you eliminate a lot of options, which include planning an extensive trip in one city, reserving two seats on a fine cruise that will sail to multiple destinations, or booking a stay at hotels that offer a private pool to newlyweds.

Some of the cheaper but just as exotic destinations for an unforgettable honeymoon are countries like Thailand and Indonesia. Presidential suites in fabulous but less known hotels are just as luxurious and are offered at excellent rates.

Famous for having the world’s cleanest and freshest beaches, with white sand and crystal clear water, Thailand offers newlyweds all kinds of activities besides lounging, tanning, and fine dining. Kayaking, hiking trips, floating markets, and living history in the form of ancient Buddhist temples are some of the experiences awaiting the couples.

For Egyptian newlyweds, trips that will take you out of the country but are still close to home include Tunisia and Morocco, considered two of the best honeymoon destinations in North Africa besides Egypt itself.

If one is willing to go down a little further south, South Africa can offer a variety of options: safaris, scuba diving, and luxurious hotels on beautiful beaches. The French-speaking island of Mauritius is also a great find – it offers splendid beaches, private bungalows, and all the high-end resorts one could find in any European city.

Egypt residents have a great advantage, with most honeymoon destinations being a maximum of a 10-hour-flight away. Avoid long layovers – the last thing you want to do is start your honeymoon in a crowded, noisy airport with uncomfortable lounge chairs and bad food.

Using the internet is a great tool to help you decide. Try the following websites:,, and

Once on the internet, don’t feel compelled to do your booking online. Consider using it as a research tool, and then contact a travel agent directly to finalize things – they can tailor the trip to meet your every need.

Lastly, remember that it’s all about fun and spending quality time together.

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