Police uncover 200kg TNT cache in central Sinai

Ashraf Sweilam
1 Min Read

EL-ARISH: An Egyptian security official says police uncovered an explosives cache containing 200kg of TNT hidden in sacks in the Sinai peninsula.

The official says the cache was buried in a deserted area near the central Sinai town of Nekhel, around 150 km south of the Rafah border crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip.

He spoke on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to talk to media. Wednesday s findings come after police acted on a tip from local Bedouins. A few mortar shells, artillery rounds and an aircraft bomb were also in the cache.

The official says the cache was likely to be taken surreptitiously across the border into Gaza or Israel. Smuggling is rampant in the area.

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