Unmarried mother gives baby to sterile friend

Daily News Egypt
1 Min Read

CAIRO: An unmarried young woman who conceived during a relationship with her boyfriend is alleged to have made a gift of the baby to her sterile friend.

According to Old Cairo police, who are investigating the matter, a Nubian lady named Mona accepted the gift from her friend because she was herself unable to bear children.

Mona, who works selling tissue papers and sweets by the roadside, is said by police to have long wanted children, a dream she was unable to realize after doctors told her she was sterile.

But her dream came one step closer to reality when she formed a friendship with a woman alleged to have had an unmarried relationship with a man from Qaliubiya, living with him as a wife until she gave birth to their child.

However, after the birth, the man refused to recognize it as his own or marry her. Finding herself unable to support the child alone, she decided to solve the problem and relieve the grief of her friend by making a gift of it.

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