Police arrest suspect in jewelry shooting

Daily News Egypt
1 Min Read

CAIRO: Police arrested a suspect in last week s Zeitoun jewelry store shooting. The suspect reportedly “closely fit the description given by one of the injured victims.

Sources told Daily News Egypt that the main lead in this arrest was a palm print police found in the store, which didn’t belong to any of the victims.

Police have been collecting photocopies of national IDs and investigating everyone who rented apartments in the district of Zeitoun around the time of the incident, sources said.

Two masked men shot four people dead when they raided a jewelry shop May 28 at noon. It is still not clear whether the attack was a failed robbery, an act of revenge or a new wave of sectarian violence.

The four victims were Copts.

The following day, the majority of jewelry stores around Cairo, especially in Heliopolis, were assigned two police officers to guard the stores, in addition to police rounds checking on the stores several times throughout the day.

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