Man kills his only son to please second wife

Daily News Egypt
3 Min Read

CAIRO: In a heartless and horrifying crime, a husband smashed the head of his son against the floor to appease his second wife, who then helped him hide the body from the child’s mother, before she called the police.

Daily News Egypt met the culprit, who recalled the critical moments during which his son died in his arms.

Mohamed Saad Mohamed, 30, a worker at a plastics workshop and resident of Abboud Street in Manshiyet Nasser, had divorced his son Mustafa’s mother (Mohamed’s first wife) several years ago before taking a second woman with whom he had another child.

“I haven’t been able to sleep since I committed this heinous crime, he tells Daily News Egypt.

And when he does sleep, he says, he has nightmares of himself in the dock standing trial for the murder of his own son. Although the faces in the courtroom are familiar he has forgotten all the names. As he sits in the dock staring at the faces, the bailiff suddenly says: “All rise .

“Everyone stood up, continued Mohamed. “But when the judge entered the courtroom, it turns out that he’s my dead seven-year-old Mustafa, who began to read the bill of indictment with his eyes glittering with tears. He asked me sadly: ‘Why did you kill me? How did you have the heart to kill your own son?’

Mohamed explains how he separated from his first wife more than five years ago, leaving his only son with her. When Mustafa was old enough to go to school, his mother sent him to live with his father.

“My second wife was the reason why I did it. She continuously complained about how naughty he was, so I used to beat him to please her, said the grief-stricken father.

He admitted that on the day he beat Mustafa to death, he was reprimanding him in order to appease his wife who had threatened to leave the house.

“I didn’t mean to kill him. I just wanted to discipline him. My wife was inciting me to beat him, but this time I lost control. I grabbed him from his feet and hit his head on the floor until he died. My wife just stood there watching me. She didn’t interfere to save him. When he died, she made me wrap him in a piece of cloth and take him to the graveyard on a cart, he said.

Strangely, the second wife then informed the police of the killing.

Meanwhile, a gravedigger found the child’s corpse and, after identifying it, informed the police – who then made their arrest.

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