Aramex gets a new look

Daily News Egypt Authors
2 Min Read

DUBAI: Aramex recently unveiled a new corporate image “designed to catch up to the rapid growth of the company from a regional transportation solutions provider into a major player in the global logistics marketplace, according to a statement to the press.

The updated look marks the biggest change in the company’s visual identity to date, the firm read.

Senior executives say that the last creative stroke to the brand was more than 10 years ago, and that the new logo more accurately reflects what Aramex represents today: “A highly dynamic, global company whose vitality and innovation are fuelled by the passion of its people.

“Rejuvenating the brand at this time was the logical thing for us to do. We have evolved as a company and are in a much different place than we were a decade ago – we needed a new brand position to articulate that, said Fadi Ghandour, founder and CEO of Aramex.

“Our new identity is closer to how we see ourselves and truly represents Aramex – an energetic, flexible, and progressive company, he added.

Aramex was the first company with Middle East roots to be listed on the NASDAQ, the first to issue a Corporate Sustainability Report, and aims to become the first carbon neutral company in the industry, the statement read.

It now enjoys a market capitalization of over $850 million and annual revenues reaching E$485 million in 2007.

To complement the brand’s evolution, the company has adopted a new slogan: “delivery unlimited.

The re-brand – which was implemented last week in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt – will be rolled out on all Aramex packages, vehicles, materials, uniforms, and facilities across the region in June, with full completion of global re-branding expected by end of year.

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