Crime Watch

Daily News Egypt
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Couple gets rid of handicapped child, claim he was kidnapped

A teacher and his wife got rid of their mentally and physically challenged child by dumping him outside Moustafa Mahmoud Mosque and claiming to the police that he was kidnapped from their car.

Samah and Nagi, both 30, were disappointed five years ago at the birth of their child Nadim. After spending huge sums of money on Nadim, doctors had confirmed that there was no hope for treatment.

After the prosecution decided to hand over the baby to Al-Fardus Orphanage in Nasr City the parents went back to the Nasr City police station on Aug. 1 to report that they had left their son Nadim in a car parked outside a famous seafood restaurant only to discover that he was kidnapped.

An investigation launched by Major General Amin Ezzeddin, head of Cairo Investigation Department, who prepared a search team that revealed that the father and his wife had fabricated the whole story.

When the couple was arrested and confronted with the finding, they confessed that they had spent a huge amount of money on treatment but to no avail, so, they decided to get rid of him.

They were referred to the prosecution, which decided to hand the child back to them, after promising to take care of him.

Husband slaughters wife in Assiut for taunting him

A 44-year-old farmer from Assiut reported that he found his wife, 30, with her neck slit and a blood-stained knife lying beside her.

The investigations carried out by Major General Ibrahim Sabir, director of the Criminal Investigations Department, alleged that the husband, who reported the crime was the murderer.

During interrogations, it transpired that his wife continuously taunted him for being poor. The differences between them were aggravated when their three children failed primary school end-of-year exams.

Although the husband was arrested, he denied committing the crime before insisting that he found her dead after returning from the mosque.

Farmer kills daughter, claims she fell from rooftop

In Fayyoum, a doctor was shocked when a farmer reported to him that his 18-year-old daughter had died after falling from the rooftop.

However while examining the victim, before issuing a burial permit, the doctor found bruises around her neck and noticed that her stomach was swollen, only to realize that she was four months pregnant.

He reported this incident to Sergeant Mohamed Al-Miliji. During the interrogation, the father repeated what he had said before, but when faced with the fact that the girl was pregnant, he confessed to his crime.

When he found that his daughter was pregnant out of wedlock by a man whose identity she refused to reveal, the father strangled her with a headscarf.

After the forensic report, the prosecution had the father arraigned and held for four days pending investigations.

Wife stabs suspicious husband

A retired man from Suez was rushed to the hospital in serious condition after receiving deep stabs under the neck.

Investigations supervised by Major General Al-Sayyid Nasr, director general of Al-Qalyubia Investigations Department, revealed that his 36-year-old wife had stabbed him after a fight where he reiterated suspicions about her behavior.

On the day she committed the crime, they were quarrelling when she stabbed him with a kitchen knife. He fell to the floor in a pool of blood. Faced with the evidence, the wife admitted to the crime and said it happened because her husband was always suspicious of her.

She was remanded in custody pending investigations.

Tonsillectomy leave child disabled and blind

Five-year-old Mohamed Basem Al-Fakharani is lying on a bed in Shebin El-Kom Educational Hospital after losing his eyesight and the ability to move as a result of medical malpractice.

His mother Subhiya Aboul Magd said she took her son to Shebin El-Kom Hospital on May 10 to have his tonsils removed. She was shocked when she learnt from the doctor that her son had died. She entered the operating room to take him away before the hospital decides to perform an autopsy.

To her surprise, she felt his heart still beating, at which she asked an attendant to bring the doctor back to complete the surgery and remove the other tonsil, having resuscitated him with electric shocks.

My son was taken to intensive care for 25 days where the doctors discovered that he had lost his eyesight and lost his ability to walk alone. He was then transferred to the neurological intensive care unit where he spent 20 days before being transferred to an ordinary room.

The doctors who deprived him of his eyesight had consigned him to oblivion without being punished, she told Daily News Egypt.

Subhiya noted that the doctors had told her that his eyesight might not be restored and that all she can do for him is pray, and so there was no room for him in hospital.

Man throws himself into the river after losing parents

Major General Mahmoud Gohar, director of Qena security, received a report that Sabri Aziz Seddiq, a 20-year-old industrial diploma holder, was found dead on the banks of the Nile River in Naga Hammadi.

Inquiries led by Director of Investigations Mohamed Badr showed that the death of the victim s parents and his failure to get a job had caused him extreme psychological distress which led to suicide.

The body was recovered from the river but investigations continue.

Husband kills wife over examination bonus

Once Sabrin Tolba Metwalli, a 47-year-old typist at Bahenbai Secondary School, received her LE 2,200 exam bonus for the outgoing academic year, her husband Hossam Aly Hegab, 50, demanded she give him the money, but she refused.

Following a series of arguments the wife agreed to give him LE 1,500 – two thirds of the amount – and keep the rest for herself, but he refused and threatened to beat her and throw her out of the house. When she refused again, he hit her on the head until she died.

The victim s mother accused her son in law of killing her daughter after they had a bitter quarrel over the bonus.

The mother said that the victim was married to the accused, who divorced her once two years ago, because he used to take her salary, and that she married another man who died several months ago.

She noted that after the death of the second husband her daughter remarried her first husband six months ago, but they started to quarrel again because he insisted on taking her money.

Investigations verified the mother s allegation. The accused was arrested and referred to the prosecution office which ordered him remanded in custody for four days pending further investigations.

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