Pro-Palestinian activists sail into Gaza

Daily News Egypt
6 Min Read

GAZA CITY: Two boats carrying dozens of international activists sailed into the Gaza Strip in defiance of an Israeli blockade on Saturday, receiving a warm welcome from thousands of jubilant Palestinians after a two-day journey marred by communications troubles and rough seas.

As the boats docked in Gaza City s tiny port, children swarmed around the vessels and leaped into the water in joy, while thousands of cheering people looked on from the shore. Palestinian flags on one of the boats snapped in the wind, activists waved to the crowd, and the slogan End Occupation was written in large letters on its side.

It was a tough time, almost 36 hours. It was very hard for many of us. But the Gaza people are amazing, said one of the activists, Tom Nelson, a 64-year-old lawyer from Zigzag, Oregon. He said he hoped the group s arrival would draw attention in the West to the difficult conditions in Gaza.

Since setting sail from Cyprus early Friday, the mission by the US-based Free Gaza Movement had been in question. Israel initially hinted it would prevent the vessels from reaching Gaza, and on Saturday, the group accused Israel of jamming its communications equipment.

But late Saturday, Israel said it would permit the boats to dock in Gaza after determining the activists did not pose a security threat. The group delivered a symbolic shipment of hearing aids and balloons.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Arye Mekel said Israel wanted to avoid the media provocation that the group was seeking. He dismissed the allegations that Israel damaged the communications system as total lies.

When the two boats were first spotted off the Gaza coast, five Palestinian boats rushed out to sea to greet them, while dozens of smaller boats waited closer to shore.

A boy scout music band sat in one boat banging on drums and blowing horns, and another carried a group of Gazan activists holding Palestinian flags. Thousands of people on the shore waved and cheered as police from the ruling Hamas movement tried to prevent people from jumping into the water so the boats could land.

They are very brave, they are very strong, I am proud of them, said Samira Ayash, a 65-year-old retired school teacher who came to watch.

Israel imposed its blockade in June 2007 after Hamas violently seized power in Gaza. Israel considers Hamas, which is committed to the Jewish state s destruction and has killed more than 250 Israelis in suicide bombings, a terrorist group.

Under the blockade, Israel has closed its trade crossings with the territory, while neighboring Egypt sealed its passenger crossing, confining Gaza s 1.4 million residents.

Israel has allowed little more than basic humanitarian supplies into Gaza, causing widespread shortages of fuel, electricity and basic goods. Only a trickle of people are allowed to leave Gaza for medical care, jobs abroad and the annual Muslim pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia.

The 70-foot (21 meter) Free Gaza and 60-foot (18 meter) Liberty left Cyprus early Friday for the journey meant to draw attention to the effects of the blockade. The 46 activists from 14 countries include an 81-year-old Catholic nun and Lauren Booth, the sister-in-law of international Mideast envoy and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

In this media war, it was impossible for them (Israel) to win because they have no case for what they are doing to your port and to your borders, Booth said.

The activists were the first foreigners to break the blockade. Organizers said they would stay in Gaza for 24 hours, though it remained unclear how they planned to leave. Israel controls all movement in and out of Gaza.

Gaza s Hamas Prime Minister, Ismail Haniyeh welcomed the activists. We call for more activities to break the unfair siege imposed on our people, Haniyeh said.

Mekel, the Israeli spokesman, said Israel s decision did not mean that future deliveries would necessarily be permitted. This decision was about these boats. We will see what happens with any future boats, he said.

Under a June truce deal which halted a deadly cycle of bruising Palestinian rocket attacks and deadly Israel airstrikes, Israel has pledged to ease the blockade, but Palestinians say the flow of goods into Gaza remains insufficient and there has been little improvement in the quality of life.

Israel has periodically closed the cargo crossings in response to sporadic Palestinian rocket fire that violated the truce. -With additional reporting by AP writer Diaa Hadid in Jerusalem.

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