How to help: The Ramadan charity guide

Daily News Egypt
4 Min Read

During their fasting days in Ramadan, people develop an appetite, not only for food, but also for charity and volunteer work. Egypt has a variety of NGOs, some working in charity, others on development, and sometimes both. The focuses of these organizations also vary: orphans, elderly, distributing food, providing financial aid and the development of certain neighborhoods.

ResalaResala is most known for its work with orphans, but it also organizes 13 other activities ranging from development and free tutoring to financial aid.Volunteers are needed every day throughout Ramadan in all Resala branches to help in packing and distributing bags of food essentials for poor families, and to help out in mawa’ed rahman (eateries offering free iftar meals) that are set up in front of all Resala branches. Clothes donations are also needed. The organization has set a goal of providing 300,000 clothes items for 100,000 individuals. The distribution of the clothes is scheduled to take place prior to Eid El Fitr on Ramadan 29 in four youth centers. The organization’s newest project is “Atfal Ad El Haya which targets street children, rehabilitation and education. Volunteers will take courses, offered by the organization, on how to deal with street children. “The center for this project is in Helwan and it needs monetary and in kind donations to be fully equipped and ready to function. Contact: 19450.

Hosn El-KholokThe organization works on developing poor districts in Cairo and other governorates, including Fayoum and Upper Egypt. Now, Hosn El-Kholok is working on three projects: distributing Ramadan food packages, building bread bakeries throughout Upper Egypt and providing unemployed young men with tricycles as a means of generating income and providing cheap transportation to the residents of their neighborhoods. Contact: 0101642139 E-mail: [email protected]

Stabl AntarThe development-based organization, named after the neighborhood it supports, wants to improve the living conditions of the residents, who mainly live under the poverty line. The organization needs volunteers for field work more than it needs money. Contact: [email protected]

Alashanek Ya Balady (AYB)The organization aims at achieving sustainable development in Egypt. It started as a student organization at the American University in Cairo (AUC) and then expanded to Ein Shams University to eventually become an officially recognized NGO. AUC’s AYB implements seven developmental programs at Ein El-Seira district all year long. The charity club needs donations to complete its 500 Ramadan packages and also clothes for its “keswa program.Currently, the AYB NGO’s most active program is “Back to school, which provides school clothes and utensils to underprivileged kids. Contact: [email protected].

Volunteers In Action (VIA)AUC’s student community service club mainly focuses on orphans. It currently needs donations for its Ramadan project “Hot Meal, which delivers ready-made meals to poor families everyday, and clothes to give away to poor families at the end of Ramadan. In addition, the club is looking for funding for its annual children iftar to be held on Sept. 19. VIA aims to invite 500 orphans to this event, where they will participate in fun activities and competitions and receive presents. The club also supports orphans as they grow up, helping them with marriage expenses and organizing group weddings. It also provides micro loans and development projects in the Meet Okba district. Contact: 018-880-8170 or 010-536-1122

Help club The student community service club at AUC has several development projects in Old Cairo. You can donate money for their Ramadan packages which cost LE 80 each, or the “Rahman Delivery project which delivers hot meals to poor people everyday. Contact: 0105783571.

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