Daily News Egypt Authors
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Expired medication found at Syrian trader s house A Syrian merchant in Sixth of October City was arrested along with his son for repackaging expired medication and selling them to pharmacies. The father and son confessed to their crime and were referred to councilor Hamada Sawi the first attorney of Southern Giza prosecution. They were detained for four days on charges of fraud.

The repackaged medication was confiscated and sent to the Ministry of Health labs.

Investigations identified the accused as Khaled Abul-Razek Mahmoud, 57, and his son as Abdul-Razek, 24.

The apartment of the convicts was raided and police confiscated medication for cancer, liver and high blood pressure as well as large quantities of ointments and 15,000 narcotic drugs.

The accused said he had come from Syria seven years ago to work as a trader but had to eventually resort to illegal activities three years ago.

Interior minister cracks down on unimplemented court rulings Minister of Interior Habib Al-Adli ordered the enforcement of court rulings that were never put into effect, ranging from felonies to jail sentences as well as fines.

The court rulings included 174 felonies, 65,000 jail sentences and 16,738 fines. Over 100 people were also arrested with old offensive records in crimes ranging from robberies to murders.

The crackdown was planned by Major General Adli Fayed, first assistant minister for public security sector. Major General Ahmed Gamaleddin, director of Enforcement Department took part in the crackdown in coordination with Gharbiya security directors from Menufiya and Kafr El-Sheikh.

Six people tricked into phony business by married couple A married couple from Ain Shams was accused of conning people into paying them LE 600, 000 as investment into prepaid mobile cards.

Major General Ismail Al-Shaer received a report from Magdi Atef Ahmed saying that Rasha Mohammed and her husband Abdul-Hakim Amer tricked him and four others into paying LE 150,000 each as an investment in a phony business.

The couple had promised them profitable returns from their investments but when their cover was blown, they refused to give them their money back.

Victim stabbed by his own brother for refusing to lend him LE 500

Abdel Baset, 58, decided to take matters into his own hands when his brother, Mokhtar, 49, refused to lend him LE 500.

Abel Baset attacked his brother on the street and stabbed him several times in the chest and abdomen. The patrolling security personnel rushed to the scene and arrested the Abdel Baset and carried his brother to the hospital. Abdel Baset confessed to his crime and said that he had been having financial problems and decided to turn to his brother for help but he turned him down. After several attempts to borrow LE 500, Mokhtar reported his brother to the police and asked that he not approach him, which is what led Abdel Baset to commit his crime.

Mu azzin charged with practicing witchcraft

Security services in Cairo arrested a mu azzin in Al-Salam city on charges of practicing charlatanry. The investigations revealed that the accused tricked people into believing he had the ability to bring back husbands who had left their homes as well as treat diseases through genies and talismans in return for money. Sheikh Mahmoud 54 was popular among neighbors and residents of Al-Salam city and often received visitors from other governorates. Sources tipped off brigadier Ismail Taha, director of juvenile police in Cairo that about the Sheikh s practices.

The mu azzin worked in a mosque affiliated with the Ministry of Religious Endowments and Islamic Affairs. Investigations revealed that he dedicated a small space in his house to practice charlatanry.

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