USAID project aims at empowering underprivileged women

Daily News Egypt
4 Min Read

CAIRO: Aimed at breaking social barriers and building women’s professional and leadership skills is a three-year project under the name “Young Women’s Leadership Program (YWLP).

The YWLP, launched by USAID in partnership with the Center for Development Services (CDS), will focus on women in underprivileged areas, empowering them to play active roles in the private, public and civil society spheres.

“The YWLP is a three-year project designed to foster a new generation of young women in underprivileged areas of Egypt, said Rebecca Dibb from the CDS.

The program’s main objective is to help women take on leading roles and make valuable contributions to the society, especially, Dibb explained, that women in such areas are not given the right chances.

“Although international development efforts have made a significant impact on Egyptian women’s lives . women still face traditional barriers impeding them from participating in the public sphere, she added.

The CDS is implementing this project along with Microsoft, Barclays Bank and the Near East Foundation and also aims at wiping illiteracy among women in governorates all over Egypt.

The YWLP is working at enhancing young women’s leadership skills through a skills-based program comprising of ICT, English language and leadership training.

“Each of the program’s components works within a Training of Trainers (ToT) framework, where local trainers are recruited to carry out either training on ICT, English language or life skills, Dibb said.

The program encourages women to enter the public sphere by breaking out of the social and traditional barriers that they regularly face.

According to Dibb, in these underprivileged areas women may struggle to find skilled work because many people are still set in their traditional roles and may not see women as having the necessary skills.

“The YWLP is filling this gap through ensuring the young female participants are equipped with the required skills which will render them employable, Dibb explained.

The project is currently being implemented in three governorates in Egypt – Cairo, Beni Suef and Minya – in seven non-governmental organizations and throughout its duration hopes to have targeted 6,600 women.

YWLP hopes to develop leadership and advocacy skills of women aged 18-25, while reaching younger girls of around 13-17 years old at the same time.

Dibb explained that the program’s activities extend beyond helping women but also teaches parents how to help their daughters overcome the barriers they face.

“Additionally 2,400 parents will be reached out to through their daughters participating in the program, which will sensitize them to be accepting and supportive of more women leaders in their communities.

“The young women participants of the YWLP will emerge from the program well-informed and equipped with the skills and experience to assume leadership roles in the Egyptian society and make valuable contributions to their communities. They will be able to design and work on their own business projects and initiatives. Dibb said.

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