Al-Zawahri blames Obama for Gaza, criticizes Mubarak

Daily News Egypt
3 Min Read

CAIRO: Al-Qaeda s No. 2 leader lashed out at US President-elect Barack Obama in a new audio recording released Tuesday, blaming him for not doing anything to stop Israel s offensive in Gaza, according to an intelligence monitoring center.

The audio recording was Al-Qaeda s first comments on the Gaza offensive since Israel launched it on Dec. 27.

In the audio comments, which were posted on a militant Web site and obtained by the SITE Monitoring Service, Ayman Al-Zawahri described Israel s actions in Gaza as a crusade against Islam and Muslims and Obama s gift to Israel before he takes office later this month.

This is Obama whom the American machine of lies tried to portray as the rescuer who will change the policy of America, Al-Zawahri said, according to SITE. He kills your brothers and sisters in Gaza mercilessly and without affection.

Obama has been criticized for not speaking out forcefully against the Israeli offensive, but vowed Tuesday he would have plenty to say about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict once he takes office on Jan. 20.

He added Tuesday that the loss of civilian life in Gaza and in Israel is a source of deep concern for me.

Al-Zawahri, who is Egyptian, was also critical of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, describing him as a traitor for keeping Egypt s border with the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip closed.

At the time when Israeli planes drop their bombs from the air, he closes the borders with his forces so that the plan of the killing of believers in Gaza is fulfilled, Al-Zawahri said, according to SITE.

He urged Egyptians and Muslims around the world to pressure Mubarak into opening the border and to take a more active role in fighting Israel.

Thousands of people in cities worldwide have held mass street demonstrations to protest Israel s offensive, but Al-Zawahri said those were not enough.

Fight the Zionist Crusader campaign, said Al-Zawahri, according to SITE. Strike its interests everywhere you can reach them. Support and back your mujahideen brothers and children against them.

Al-Zawahri called on Muslims in Egypt to organize and participate in a campaign of strikes, demonstrations and protests that do not stop until the siege on our brothers in Gaza is lifted.

The audio recording, entitled “Gaza massacre and siege of the traitors was accompanied by a still photograph of the Al-Qaeda leader sitting with a gun in his lap and a Palestinian child receiving emergency treatment after apparently being hit. The recording could not be immediately verified, but SITE said it was posted on Web sites commonly used by Islamic militants. The recording also carried the logo for Al-Qaeda s media production house, Al-Sahab. – With agencies

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