Selling civilization in a beauty jar

Chitra Kalyani
6 Min Read

When the West burnt and hurt with chemicals, what I did was sell them 3000 years of civilization in a jar, the renowned Indian beauty expert told Daily News Egypt on her make up philosophy.

A household name in India with a signature company established 39 years ago, Shahnaz Husain originally started out learning beauty care under the Western paradigm, at beauty houses such as Helena Rubinstein and Christine Valmay.

Married at the early age of 15, and already a mother before 16, Husain says she owes much to her father for nevertheless supporting her education even after her marriage.

Husain was visiting Cairo as part of COSMEXPO 2009 – a cosmetics exposition held at Ramsis Hilton on March 16-17.

Estimated as owning a brand worth over $100 million, Shahnaz Husain was named “Woman of the Year by Success Magazine in 1996. Her company has also been recognized by the Indian government with an Export Excellence Award.

It was when a friend following a chemical burn on her skin and deeming her modeling career over committed suicide, that Husain found it imperative to seek herbal solutions to beauty.

“Turmeric can’t hurt you; sandalwood can’t hurt you, said Husain in praise of herbal products. She refers to ayurveda, literally the “science (veda) of “life (ayus) , as the study of “plant power.

Like the Moghul queens of India, says Husain, Cleopatra too had her own natural beauty secrets. While the Egyptian queen soaked in milk and honey to beautify her skin, Indian Moghul queens used diamond dust as highlights for their skin and hair.

Herself a descendant of the Moghul lineage, Husain said, speaking in terms of ayurveda, your sun sign determines the stone that should be used on your skin.

Those born between January and March are born under emerald, while ruby rules the house between April and June. Sapphire is the stone for those born between July and September, while those born between October and December, can find topaz dust from the Shahinaz line of beauty products most suitable to their skin.

Promoting her Diamond Line, which offers a card according to your sun sign in Egypt, Husain revealed that she had also produced blue kohl solely for Princess Diana, who also bought her ShahMoist moisturizer and ShahLife products.

Husain also related the instance where she had provided a cure for an 18-year old youth who had inexplicably gone blind. Plugging in her kohl, Husain said regular use would ensure that no eyeglasses would be needed.

“I know what the Egyptian market is about, said a confident Husain, “I know what to offer them.

“Foreign hair is silky, fine, and mousy looking, said Husain, after being prompted for the third time regarding the unknown secrets of “Indian hair.

Husain also warned against the use of chemical hair-dye, which she said contained amino-mercuric chloride. It “goes like a bullet from the epidermal layer to the kidney and could even cause kidney failure, she explained.

“It’s your job [as media] to educate them, said Husain prompting myself and another local daily journalist to write. “It’s your fault. You must tell them – chemical is bad; natural is good.

Among herbal alternatives, Husain recommended her products Shamala hair oil, while also recommending ShaLife an anti-aging cream, and ShahFair.

“I don’t have a publicity budget, says Husain, citing her fame as having grown through word of mouth. “If I pay money to say this is good, it’s a lie. But if you say it, it’s true.

With 400 schools and 600 shops to her credit, Husain is widely established with clients in places like UK and Abu Dhabi. The concept of “care and cure, was never there earlier said Husain, “It was color and cover.

Beauty, to Husain, is directly related to health, and not something produced through a quick-fix. “You are what you eat, she proffers.

Husain herself has a light breakfast, comprising of five types of dry and fresh fruit each with perhaps a juice, followed by fresh cucumber juice at noon. For both lunch and dinner she has boiled vegetables and soup.

“To me, a perfect woman is brain power, beauty power, and spiritual power, said Husain.

“You reach a stage in life where money is not important, said the herbalist, “If God has given me power to heal and help, that’s my job. You must pay your rent on Earth, she added.

Revealing that her products were first tested on herself, Hussain said, “I am too harmless to hurt anybody. The world will be less beautiful if I go away.

Shahnaz Husaincan be reached at [email protected] and [email protected].

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