PA refutes claims of 70 illegal MPs

Yasmine Saleh
2 Min Read

CAIRO: The People’s Assembly has refuted reports that 70 of its member were voted in fraudulently and thus their parliamentary status must be automatically annulled.

On Sunday, independent MP Alaa Abdel Moneim said during the PA’s morning session that he has a list of 70 names whose membership in parliament has been annulled by an appeal’s court after proving claims of fraudulent elections.

Independent daily Al-Masry Al-Youm published the list in its Sunday edition.

“The PA ruled today that this information is completely incorrect, Mohamed Khalil Kwaitah, MP affiliated with the ruling NDP, told Daily News Egypt on Sunday afternoon.

He explained that the court is only entitled to present its take on the issue – rather than a final verdict – but it’s up to parliament to decide on how to act on such “opinions.

The PA has explained this to Abdel Moneim and the issue is closed, Kwaitah added.

The 70 members included 58 MPs from the National Democratic Party (NDP), amongst them Amal Othman, chair of the PA’s legislation committee, and Hamdy Al-Sayed, head of the Doctors’ Syndicate and chairman PA’s Health Committee. Ten members affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood and two independent members are also included.

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